Page 18 - YB1952
P. 18
BETTY LOU BRANDENBURG Octet 2,3; Five foot rwo, eyes of blue, all of that and a ring, roo Mu's claim to TV and musical fame golf widow. Oh, I JUSt know we're going to have a pop quiz in Whitfield"s history' I'm so worried!" . same pair of bedroom slippers for four years plans to combine public school music teaching and marriage next year. JOAN REBECCA BRENGLE "jeanie' English major with a teaching future vivacious blonde with rhar well-known laugh . would even break foot for the Phi Alphs .' wants to buy first ticket for train running between Bruns- wick and Westminster. never curs bridge class in the grille. speaks German fluently? . champion procrastinator "Let's have a party!" member of Wednesday Club has athletic inclinations "Get me up for breakfast, Ine!' PATRICIA JUNE BURR Iota G"I/7/1.1IUI Chi 2, 3, 4; French Club 1, 2; FT A 3, 4. "Burpy" "Patty" Oh my word!" .. possesses Northern ac- cent proud of hailing from Skinner's Eddy, Pa . February grad who jusr might teach ardent lover of nature "let's go to the movies!" .. forever talking about summer school at Bucknell always willing to share her mother's cookies and cakes . chronic drinker of cokes history major ready smile, sparkling eyes first to catch on to the jokes favorite haunt is Table Rock!? WILLIAM GEORGE CALLAS C,,!ltJ/U/ Beta Chi 2, 3, 4; Tesnus: IJIlramural spons: Freucb Clltb. "Swab Jackie" ant of Miss Snader's Trois Mousquemires . Eco- nomics major with an enterprising eye to the future happily mar- ried to "Bobbie" loyal member of the Gamma Beta Chi's .. a Frenchman at hearr the wit of Croucho Marx combined with a personality all his own Mickey Mouse specialist Til only play for an hour Navy commission in sight "Tennis Courc Kid"
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