Page 97 - YB1951
P. 97
First row' C(IUeh Huber, /\. Bri[;lll, .J. Kovslcveki. P. Welli· vcr, D. H~ibGrg. Second row: R. Cushing, E. ColTmann, H. H"F-lil.l, W. Glasby. COlF TENNIS In tha 1950 season, the vuraitv golf Tho 1950 Tennis season was rough for the caine thr-ough with a Elate of five victories Hunmen. After a slow beginning, they finuliy lieinfifleenmHtches. hit their stride only to be hampered by bad Under the leadership of their nell' coach. Dr. weather which caused many of their matches to MilLO]] .J. Hubae, the golfers started out their be canceled. season against Lehigh University on April 13. Conch Frank Hurt led the courunen through During the season, they defeated tCHmS from a 10 game schedule. Despite a weakness in Bultimore U., American U., Dickinson and C.W. cinglee matches, the Western Muryland team with a lie in one match against Baltilllore Llni- managed 10 defeat such teams as Washington verEiLy. On IVJ<1Y 20, \,'estern Maryland was College, Dickinson, Towson State, and Delaware again host at the annual Western Maryland Invi- U. to end lip with a 6·4 record. tation Tournament. Bob Talner and Phil Sack were the only two Al Bright played in the number spot in 1950 returning veterans of the '49 season. They were with surprise assistance from freshman Ed Coff- joined in the 'SO season by Ned Brown, Ceo-go man. The rest of the squad included Don Tsoupruke, Dick Deiner, George Winfrey, Art iYiakosky,. Hilliard Hazlett, Ray Cushing and Saltmarsh, .lny Lockman, Pat Huddle and Blackic Paul Welliver. Brandl. With the exception of Deinor and Win- Dr. Huber had these veterans for his 1.931 frey, all these men returned [or the 1951 tennis season: Don Mnkosky, Ed Cotlman, Ward Glasby, Dave Heiberg, and Paul Welliver.
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