Page 101 - YB1951
P. 101
Spring arrives with all its beauty and magnificence, and May Day is the campus' recognition that spring has at lust made its appearance. The May Queen and her court reign over the festivities of the day. Following the coronation or the queen in the afternoon is the annual Pan Hellenic Council dance held in the evening. Q'UEEN-Janet Herillg SOPHOMORE DUCHESS-Pally Hay SENtOI{ OUCH ES~Mary Bankert SOPHOillOllE ATTENDANTS-Sally Fisher, SENt OR ATTENDANTS-Belly Baehl~tt, Nancy Kroll Peggy TiT11rnon~ F'RE5HMAN DUCHESS---I'al ltoberts JUNIOR DUCHESS-Virginia lIale JUNIOH ATTEND,\NTS---Jcall"e Dixon, FHESHMAN ATTENDANTS---Ncll Wickcr, Eva Lindahl Adcliue Allcl!
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