Page 92 - YB1951
P. 92
Advance course students, during the summer The Officers Club, organized in 1926 and cern- between their third and fourth yell I' attend 3. posed of the cadet officers, sponsored the Mili training e"mp [or six weeks fer the purpose of tlUy Ball in the spring. The members of the becoming familiar with administration, equip- club organized and trained II drill team with the ment, weapons, and tactics which cannot be ultimate object of the organization of a company taught "I. the college. of Pershing Rifles, II national college military Extracurricular activities of the Cadet Corps fraternity. have heen numerous this year. At the Home- The importance of the Heserve Officers' Train- coming celebration a Cadet firing squad of eight ing Corps to the individual student, to his col- members, trained and drilled by Cadet Captain lege, and to his country cannot be too strongly David M. Buffington fired a salute to the Home- emphasized in limes such as these. Our Govern- coming Queen. The entire Cadet Corps served ment, recognizing this importance, makes pro- as traffic control officers and guides for the vision for numerous students to pursue the numerous automobiles on the campus during the course to better prepare them for service to their Homecoming weekend. Again the unit particl- nation. The unit at Western Maryland has, in in local community activities by participa- the past, and will ill the future continue to do in the .Merchants' Association parade in its part in furthering this prograrl! so vital to Westminster. the national security.
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