Page 96 - YB1951
P. 96
BASEBALL Despite the combined efforts of Jim Boyer ami ing the close 6-5 win over Randolph-Macon, in Julie Dyke, the 1950 baseball team could garner which Leo Lathroum helped immeasurably with only two victories. Those were close wills over his fine relief hurling. Randolph-Macon and Hopkins. In add ilion to At Penn State, in addition to the hinclrnuces the discouraging outcome with respect 10 scores, previously described, tile Terrors not only had to the sport was grossly overlooked by both the combat effective Peru, hitting but many of them athletic department and the student body as a played their first game in snow! whole. Both displayed a visible lack of interest, The Creen team included Kaufman, Gianelli, which can obviously greatly hinder a team. Phipps, Doughs, Shook, Fieldmnn, Tcreshiuski, The team, however, though lacking in wind. Dyke, Dodd, Spencer, Shivers, Lathroum, Hen- never seemed lacking in spirit and enthusiasm. derson, Bartl, and Urton. Of these player-s only This was largely traceable to its coach-player Gianelli, Doug!us,' and Dyke graduated leaving Julie Dyke . .Julie, taking over as coach when a good percentage of the team with valuuhle Mr. Boyer started umpiring, displayed a clever- playing experience for Lhe '51 season. ness in molding a team which was a potential The 1950 season, though lacking in audience winner. However, bad weather, incxperiellcc appeal, showed a nun-ked increase ill interest in and unsteady pitching took their inevitable toll. baseball. Over 50 candidates turned out when One bright spot in the pitching gloom WIlS dur- Boyer ami Dyke started their daily drills. 92
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