Page 98 - YB1951
P. 98
1951 Girls' Spring Sports "Look it over, Jean!" CI RLS' SOFTBALL At the first sign of clear weather, softball prao- come the season as an excellent way to get the Lice began. Champions of the softball intra- mothballs out of their spring sports outfits. The murals were left undetermined due to a late start, intramural practices and games were officiated by however it is hoped that this season will see us Miss Parker's coaching class. Techniques of with a decided winner. Among the standouts scoring and "umping," and playing were were Marybelle Shawn, Joyce Schmidt, Bobbie learned by all who participated. Due to the short- Davison, Dolly Dalgleish, Peg Brown, and Char ness of the season, many of the games were Reed. There arc no interscholastic games played after dinner giving merited competition schedule in softball but there was no lack ill to the fraternity softball games. spirit in the turnout of girls who seemed to wel- 94
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