Page 144 - YB1951
P. 144
ANNA LEE MARTIN PATRICIA RUTH McLAREN FTA 4. "Ann" . "Let's face it, kids!" .. a transfer from Washington Collcge and her heart's still there ... an English major who plans on combining marriage and teaching (fur a while at least) ... lives to eat ... never at a loss for an adequate remark. "Pat" .. one of those versatile people who does flair for serving striking resuhs . tall slim blonde. well anything she sets out to do _ .. will soon add cooking and housekeeping to her accomplishments ... perpetual motion loves people ... has a vital approach to life her friends consider her a fine actress, though slightly crazy ... will be remembered for her dramatic port ruyal of the KENDHICK MARSHALL i\feCALL scrubwoman in "I RememborMama." CHRISTINE ROSE IVIEINL "fI.·lick". keeps the students moaning at meals. ,!(II' head waiter an active Black and White petite transfer from Hopkins in her interested in Frat. spurts and activities ... has a junioryear .. neutnesa personified ... loves Jiving smile and a good word for all ... "Do I need 11 011 fourth floor B.W ... aspires to teaching pro. reason to be happy" ... tr-ies to keep three room- Full day, but always has a moment mates at peace with the world . knows where ALOHA, teaching or the Carroll he's going after graduation, "Thcy won't draft me" make a poster, if you will just get check that '41 Plvmouth convertible. "It has great possibilities, yes MALCOLM LEE MELTZEB ieom manager 2, s, CEORCE Tl-IOMA? )\1cCR EW 4; Alpha Com",o (;"'"11111Bela CM. "Malcky" .. known to all . genial personality Married vet residing in Verville with "Smoky" ami welcome at any party ... terrific powers of 11 lillie cocker spaniel named Sam ... badge of concentretion, especially in bridge .. plans grad- identification is '49 Chevy convertible.. during uate work in psychology skits lind jokes for vacations he does his bit to beautify the campus any and all occasions "Had the strangest with a paint brush .. builds gas model planes as dream last night!" ... wears fashionahle clothes a hobby is an excellent student. chemistrv from Max's. . Mr. Foutz's right hand man major. ltiend to everyone he meets. loyal Bachelor. 140
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