Page 147 - YB1951
P. 147
,AU[)IlEY LEIGH l\1EIlEOITH JAi\H:S .JOHN NAU, .JR. IJflJI(! I. H01'e OUicers' Club 1/; Orche.~/f(I I; riflu lellm 4s5:~~,1,~:!;;~)j~~,,~;;;:.~I'>S;;/: I; /m;rus"c J; AI!,ho Cllmmll Trill. NORl\lAN JACK NEEDLE ALBERT MOULTHROP Lacro,,~c 2, .j, 4; AI!,hu Call/Ill" 1'1111, TIll/. 4 hop who spends most Baltimore ,lnd new Chevy .. February grad- salary occupatiou ... questioning glance SH IRLEY BANKERT xrun HA Y ELEANOR JANE NETTLESHIP I. Arguf!{lll/s 3, ; Glee ell/.& I, 2, J, 4; FTA 4; ArlS Sigll/a Tall. 1,2; one of those music majors ... house presi- Ireshmun year at Cassell Hull and SGA to the name "lrville" proud of representative conscientious student wl\,)'s Muss ... "1'1lIgoingtorestIll), always sincere .. likes haskethell and SOCCt;l1" .. unswers tile "call" to the grill,of games especially when Dickie part.icipntes ... ulwa ys has shot glasses available for enjoys a good game of five hundred ... looks ... famous for unusual hand knit forward to dashing home in the new "Chevy" to reading English novels bane of her greet her husband. 143
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