Page 148 - YB1951
P. 148
HENRY NORMAN BARBARA LEE PA YNE football 1,2, J, 4: boxing 2, J; Delill Pi AI/,/", "Hank" "modesty epitomized, , . youngest of Hlustrious Norman brothers faithful Preacher terrific end on focrbull team ... likes 10 remeru- "Bebs" ... Salisbury gal .. naturally curly hair ber Drexel game. outstanding boxing ability .. rather sleep than eat reputation for snooz- aesthetic tastes .. classical record collecnon ingthrough morning classes .. never forget room- typical retort: "No, no, no!" .. history major ing with Ellen in "Hole in the Roof" . practical · .. law school will f()!!()w graduation ... room· joker ... future teacher of America .. constantly mute keeps him well supplied with food after ten. Bobhing on and off campus ... crazy about sub- marine sandwiches and summer school ... tells hilarious stories of 'her summer at. Rosewood . .JEAN LEE PALMER BARBARA PFOUTZ French Ciil/; I, 2; GI~~ C!I/b 2; WAA I; Sigma Sigm(J Trill .. "Lil". has stuck with Dully four years as "jeanie" ... major in grill and minor in rec .. amazing ability for losing things ... receptive sub- "Footsie" .. optimistic spirit of mischievous elf ject for teasing .. like artist .. "where there's . road to happiness is paved with laughter .. life, there's Palmer" .. Sigma cheerleader ... can't stay away from Ocean City ... Mid-Eennn-y expertly tickles the ivories Industrtnus student Homecoming Queen .. shares half interest in · .. "How brilliant can you get?" future Lathroum-Pfuutz enterprises ... cheerleading pro' uncertain. vides outlet fur her abundance of enthusiasm. tendency to procraSlination. devotion to the Dults and life in general. DOUGLAS FRANK PAULSEN NANCY JANE PHILLIPPE Ecollomics Club J, 4: juolball I; Camflla BellJ Chi. HOllie Economics Club 1,2,3; Phi AI!J/III Mit. "Doug" .. Navv Vet who hails from New York Stale ... has anybody seen .Jannie??? .. ardent "Nance" .. New jerseyite and Rutger's enthusiast sports enthusiast . capable exponent of Goren . serious air offset by talkativeness. "Janice, .. avid television fan stalwart member of cut my hair" ... hig, hrown "cow" eyes noted Gamma Beta Chi. econ major and Earp minor Quality of this Phi Alph .. favors hard crunch · .. plans to work for an oil company .. depend apples ... mark of disuncuon is chic red and able friend permanent fixture in the grill green checked topper. home ec major swapped between classes. for English. 144
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