Page 139 - YB1951
P. 139
DOROTHY LOUISE KLiNEFELTEn RUDOLPH .J. KRf\US Dellli Sigl/la KIIPP!I. frellch Clllb 3, 4; ROTC I, 2, 3, 4; Pi Alpha Alplw. .. trunsfer from Ruckford C"llege. 11Ii- . alwnys a smile February graduate Studebaker . major inter- un campus (always willing . ardent ... studies occa. admirer of tile Preachers of the Black and plans dancing in future. a "great love" for member of Delta Sigma Kappa are rather secret BacJ\1c.II in Irureruul matters something to say. more twice a week. HEn BERT KLINGEl{ FRANK DONALD KRAUSZ (;{u.,sl!icc·pre.,idc"r.2; {He 4; FTA, pre.lit/cnl. fOD11m11 2, ,~,4; f)dlll Pi Al/Jhfl. "Herb". future educator . hopes to have and math major camp .. has n() use fur a pillow . uruhor a heart as large "Hullucinntious uf a Hitchhiker" .. lunior year known as tile ur University of British Columhia . summer in masters after Alaska . prefers outdoor gir-ls "Aw, listen 200 pounder , Hail' for paill!ing . answers to .hardworker "Halhbunon" "One of these I'm going to study." .JOSEPHINE KOHNEN BRADY LEWIS KUNKLE NOTC OfJi· infectious giggle know II to Mrs . .r. ... Brady . married vet ... lives in Vetville . food, music and Chevrolets .. "That's transfer from Susqllehanna Univer sity ... a true . put Yankton, South Dakota on map Pcnnsylvnnia Dutchman . noted for his great ofcullege ... musicaliy unrl sense of humor and his winning personality ... .. [ittle!J[ack book contains econ major and president of the Economics Club reference book m(ostused- ... destined to he a great military strategist ... dictionary .. co-owner of rabbit. in junior year "Well, 1'1 [ be a sad son of a gun" . received hnzel eyes with brown spots. rcgulm-nrrny commission. 135
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