Page 140 - YB1951
P. 140
VINCENT RICHARD LANDAU ROLAND VANDERBlLT LAYTON, JR. Soccer 3, 4; lacrosse 2, 3, 4; C(lI""'(1 Belll Chi. i%::',~;:,!i:'/~i~;lp1.;'IAI~:;,~;:)~r:~:;;II'J/;a2J.IlIler·/rr/lullily "Vince" .. tenor on soccer and lacrosse fields ... dreamed up a lacrosse shot Stieber would be proud "Mole" great "charger" of Black and Whites to own. authority on the latest. in men's campus · ~'. ~~a:o;~itrlil~~Ci:(~~d~nd .S~i:~j~S:'sil~I~!!i~~nn~:!li~ apparel. the outstanding orator of the Gamma Bets .. possesses extreme tact in dealing with the and a bit of that Eastern Sho' hill-billv stuff women and a hard man when it comes 10 "laying "Boy, that. organic chemistry" .. one'of few stu- down the law." dents who_ehanged majorsS times ... bacto major with questionable future real good guy. HARRIS WILLIAM L~:FEW HARRIS THOMPSON LANG Alpha KflPIJa Alplia; Camm" Be[n Chi. "Tom" ... transfer from Maryville College. Teuu. "Har-ry" .. veteran movie-goer and downtown-er . . nightly trips to the "Avenue" .. "If you'll ring team .. pugilist. on varsity pardon the expression" ... Roger is his chief · .. pulveriaing supporter ... plays soccer and lacrosse Hagerstown admirer ... a jokester with a wonderful wit .. und part.icipales in ull fraternity sports . "(Ja! swell person 10 have around .. a pleasure to know well whut do you know about. tha!.?". "Cru~y ... trouharlor nf dining hall. at horne at the legs" on football field ... big, broad generous smile piano. · .. conscientious leader of Preachers. fighting SCA representative executive uhilities. RICHARD F. LEIGHTON LEO LATHIWUM 3,4; 1)(l.lkctullll1.2,3; 1",-'"cua1l3,4; TIIIi. Bachelor, but 1I0t really.. address: 59 Penna. Known as "Dick" to his many friends ... a Pre- Ave .... devoted to spurts in general .. "Footzie" Med headed for Murvland U... active in frat and especiallv. . WHO'S WHO ... coaches football college activities ... "I've got. bulls of time, time and wrestling .. econ major and cadet major. I haven't used yet" .. thephilosopherfrornthe ROTC.. spends summers playing cop on the hills .. always quoting the Uhagavad Gita ... a heat at Ocean City rendezvous .. sports a win- jokester will make a good medic if lie doesn't ning smile and an air of modesty "Yeah, Devil:' trip over a methylethyl key tone. 136
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