Page 136 - YB1951
P. 136
TRmlAN F'REDERrCK KEEFER .r.HRIAIVI DIANE KELLEY IILOfiA. A.'soci(lle Edilor 4; Callie", Clu.b I; ArgonulIlS Glee Club 3; IRe 3, 4. ~,{IfesirlCllt 4; Classics Club; lunior follies 3. "Kelley" intellectual individualist .. girl with "Fred" and his Ford, the constant Dean's listers the British accent smile that asks the question .. , an outstanding performance in the Junior why ... takes her own late leaves.. faculty Follics of '50 ... the rom-lng Green Terror of favorite holds philosophic discussions in the Alumni Weckend, the Dickinson Red Devil, and grill ,can'tabideanyt.hingjJastel, .. brought cheerleader for a day "What a hunch of progressive education to Westminster neve! jokers" .. has the courage of Walter Mluy . seen on weekends-Eastern Shore bound, prob- "We're going through!". . headed for Duke lems of the world concentrated in Kelley. Graduate Schoo! chief publicity agent of the Argonauts. B. I. KEENAN. JB. PEGGY ANTES KERNS Soccer 1,2, .1, 4; /"cro,m: I, 2, 3, 4; De/III I'i AI')/'(I Joe-Dodie .. always ready for a pnrty repu- tation as rough boy, but really possesses many fine "Peg" ... flaming cheeks and tawny flavored hair qualities a mainstay of lacrosse alld. Preacher hushed voice with a sincere and ur-gent qualitv football teams .. constantly tel.ling stories of life .. contemporary lheruture analyst with the soul with his "roomies," Alby and Frank ,. Iriendlv ufa poet ... anappreciatioll of the usual thut manner with all will send him places in sef ling upproaches jntensiry . sbe nouces tbe unnurtced field "Are you kidding me?", . wasn't quite .. a future in writing the creative imagination strong enough to get that indian. of Delta Sigma Kappa. "Well Gee!" BERNARD E. KELLY Ch()ir 3. 4; boxing 3; De/In Pi Alph", dWjJI",'" 3, BOBERT GEORGE KETTELLS secrelary4. Economics Club; soccer 3, Ii; A/pha Gam"," T"". "Buck" ., smiling secretary of the Preachers . , psychology major,. choir member each year .. "Bob" .. Hagerstown Jr. College's loss to WMC boxing team in '48 and '49 (still has an occasional .. spa rkplug of soccer ream for two years, . , shiner) ... debonuire charter member of the grill atomic bomh expert since presence at Bikilli, .. tutaliy unconscious before noon .. ncver auspices of U. S. Navy. ,boasts about Vetvillc knows which Dean's list he's on likes good apartment complete wi til wife, Doris true music, and weekend parties . future: "What Hachelur ... serene, sympathetic, sincere, and draft,?". . wants a home 011 a hiil in Frederick, sharp,especiallyonpooitable .. econ mujor fI.'ld.,aFtermilitaryservice, "I don't know what I'm going to duo ." 132
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