Page 135 - YB1951
P. 135
CHARLOTTE l\lAY JANNEY LINCOLN BR UeE .I USTICE 4: IT'es/ey''''s, »ice-nresident 4; Drall/alics 2, 3, 4; Debut· "Janney" 10 an. Phys. Ed. and Biology that education department!" roomie, let's have a party." tennis court urhockey field lover unimuls-c- "I'm dying 10 gn home and see my BOOlS" Alpll prexy .. CHARLES PHIL1P KABLE DOlUS JOINER Man of multi interests . ,a fingct-Iu every campus pie Buhirnorean with a yen for rhe country side a quick grin for everyone ... bright. how Petite blonde with plenty of energy directed toward lies match his personality , school is une con- anything nOI involving studying "efficiency tinual trek bctween lubs and the Reo Hall ,. ex pert" of 2nd floor Blanche Ward. , . plans an vcrecund possessor of a seraglio Bachelor work. economic involving $]0,000 a year as a horsu . "Hi horse!" slarler. 10 spend mornings in bed with breakfast 10:30 .. expen on vtechntques uf making and game bids." HARIlIETT JEANNE KAHN GEOllCE RICHARD JONES r:umerl/ ". FTA It; Carrol/. Cfab 3, 4: "Hat" vivacious personality .. loves "good" Urckesrra music . sparkling blue eyes in constant "Slide rule Ionuy" . conerunt advice on math motion . quick and clever mind. famous fur sud physi~s always has a wild idea or Iwo on mimicry and imp rovisnt.icn OIl the plano . .. has II any occaSIOn.. the glint in his eye gives him deep npprcciution [or the finer things of life, , away muninc mechanic of the Model A Ford future music teacher pbilosuphical and intense , , , expects tu leach any une want a ride to , always nn the way 1(. the music hull or Hulti- Cleveland? "kitten on the keys." 131
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