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1SADORE l\1YIWN ABRAMS DOROTHY W. ARNOLD Frellch Clllb 4; IRC 4. "Izzv" .. Hritish C01l5U.l and information service can be recognized by mile Olds. at any time "Dodie" .. .Joe.. indi~pensible member of the ... "How're you coming along?". coach of "grease paint" society. deligbts in expounding Cricket team.. swell guy ... "Lynn, you know on any controversial matter .. perpetual chitter what we are going to do tonight?" ... "Let's go out chatter .. futuretinyteacheroftots ... authorit.y and eut. Boy, I'm starved." ... Got "3" in Music on house furnishings ... "This is not an ash tr-ay" Appreciation and still trying 10 figure it out ... the Delts' official scribe.. "Remember sludiesbesthorimntally. Jl.lcKinstry?" ... optimistic outlook on life temp- ered with deep feelings and thoughts ... peanut butter cups in two's "Well Joe told me .... " SYDNEY Eft'iMANUEL ALBRITTAIN BETTY LOUISE BACHTELL Bel" Bel" I1da, flOTC OfJi~crs' Cluh, E~ollo",ics Cl"b, /oolball, Camtlla Be/(! Chi. "Big Sid" always ready with a smile and a good word .. eeon maJO! ... accounting whiz. indispensable treasurer of Gamma Beta Chi .. Tile Delts' claim to musical fame who can also stulwart football lineman ... always ready for a "make like a tree" ... the core of all campus musi- good party one of the top bridge players on cal functions versatile, entlll!siastic. "Come campus . known for his quick wit. Who? on iu; I have some food from home!" ... known connoisseur of chili . plans graduate work in for her deep voice .. "The Man I Love" learned to play the uke in one afternoon. "Isn't j.hut jlem-?" LA WHENCE T. BAILEY [WBERT CALVIN ALONSO Economics Club 4; Pi Al/lha Alpha. "Bob" ... navy vet ... transfer from Baltimore "Larry" ... after graduation from City in 1945. Junior College eccn major ... highly spirited served with T4 occupational troops in Germany. on and orr the campus .. sports enthusiast .. a spark.plugof and softball .. connoisseur of the arts (petty). active member ardent Bache/o.r . able chairman of homecoming of the Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity ... known for dance ... clam] to girl shyness overshadowed by mysterious Thursday trips a conscientious stu- love of parties ... serious student ... ambition. a dent ... "Knock it orr." new ford and $10,000 "I don't know, ask Phjl," III
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