Page 119 - YB1951
P. 119
DOUGLAS l\T. BIVENS, .J R. VICTOR tot. BOWERS FTA 4. A/flho Gafl"'Ul TOil "Doug" .. history major, biology and etiucafion "Bus" ... the pride of Hagerstown ... chauffeur minor. . worked two summers at Sprmgfield of HI!rIT's Ford ... astute student of bridge. State hospital . student teaching at Westminster teller of many tales in the grill . staunch High School . always seen with a Pall Mall. . Bachelor. contagious smile. the original a strict misogynist and misogamist most of the lime "cracker". II likeable and true friend .. appre- ... roomed with Sid and Bud for two years each ciates jazz, good Food, and heaunfnl women . bad a dose call with the altar long time ago. interesting and mernoriable personality. wHI never forget his trip to jail. KATHERINE ELEAN01{ BLISS I; Ctee Club I /,2,3; EARNEST H. BOVD 2; Junior Foflie$ KIlI'I''', C((IIII/Ifl liel" Chi. "Eanrie" .. UIUllH1US of Virginia, Baltimore .lunior "Kathy". authority on ethic and ecclesiastical College. and Loyolu . ambition, to cast a shadow vartauons . officlal keeper of Delt sheekels. . . a .1:00 u.rn. dead line bridge enthusiast. original wit .. "Remember McKinstry?" .. built a truin for Gamma Beta Chi .. operales pained and strained weight lifter of Roman arena Baltimore local-two bits u head ... "Wake me ... 3 shade blonde .. "Mary Lou, let's change U[I for hrenkfast, lunch, supper". a Gamma the room around; Angela won't even know." .. Bet coke-a-holie ... "Shucks, Iellus, I've got will have mmly clients next year to keep lntuct . date" draft bait in Juno. II possessor of a really extraordinary mind. IACQUELINE MARQUETTE BHOWN EO\VIN L. BOBO Clllb 3, 4; ETA 4; Argon(IlIls 3, 4; De/In Pi 2,3, A return of combat in Europe learned French Can't make lip her mind whether to live home or in France .. discriminating taste exemplified in on campus ... officer in State Home Economics wife ... vetvillo tenant for the past four years. Association . fond of a certain kind of fish ... neighbors reap fruits of his generosity ... aspires has a cor ncr ou first. letter of the alphabet in her to teaching profession . appreciates the finer marks ... future home economics teacher ... things of life .. music and litcnrtl!re . Foreign mem,l/er of the "boose" .. "Best we get busy, languages, one of his fortes. 1)5
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