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leaders in such activities as the Student Govenllncnl Asso- Leit to right: ciation, Student Christian Association, campus publica- tions, men's and women's athletics, sororities and fra- YEARLEY, Alice Anne ternities, honor society, dramatics, and music organizations. KEEFER, Truman Frederick A biographical sketch of each of these seniors will appear ill the IVltO's WAo puhllcntion, listing their accom- plishments, abilities and interests. 'ney may also take LATHROUM, Leo Jerome advantage of the aid in employment opportunities pro- vided by the staff, who maintain a placement sCIvice b:FEW, Harris William which reconuneuds stlldents to employers seeking capable college graduates. PIETROFORTE, Louis Who's Who awarded the new members certificates of recognition which were presented at the January meeting SIMPSON, William Henry of the Student Activities Committee. 109
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