Page 110 - YB1951
P. 110
JUhiCI- Tradition! Tradit.on! Tradition! This word means footlights, fun, excitement, and success to the Class of '51. Tradi- tion 10 them is synonymous with l uuior Foilies and Junior Weekend. The show was originally planned as 11 means of making money for the Junior-Senior Prom, but somehow the Follies which were finally presented on April 14, 1950, acted us 11 unifying force to weld 11 few scattered groups into one big effort. Original words and music were written by Detty Bachtell and Louis Pietroforle. The show was based on weI! known Western Maryland traditions in. corporated into The [uuinr Follies by Jay Eggly, Louis Pietroforte and Nancy Winkelman. ill 11show of spirit unusual on campus the entire class worked under Lou's direction to present a classroom scene, typical Rec room action. I!;irl's dorm life, To!" "She has receiv~d his iratemilY j!i,,~Hallelnja"!" Bouom: Everybody's d()uble rnaj()r~foolball and the rec. "Tradilioll, Tradilion, Tradition." Below: Homecoming in Hell. "1"111ill toue wilit my co!l~ge proj(!s.,·or,"
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