Page 112 - YB1951
P. 112
Left to right: BACHTELL, Betty Louise Twelve members of the Senior Class ware chosen by the Student Activltios Committee to represent Western Maryland College in tile 1950-51 edition of Who's Wh.o BEA YER, ] une Lorraine Among Students in AIII,eriCQII. Universities olld Colleges. These nominees are recognized on the basis of character, RUPERT, Marr jean scholarsbip, leadership ill extra-curricular activities, citlzeushlp and service to the college, and potentiality for SHOOK, Katherine Olewiler future usefulness in society. These seniors received this national honor: Betty Bach- WILUM/IS, Mary Ruth tell, June Beaver, Fred Keefer, Leo Lathrum, Harry LeFew, Louis Pietroforte, Mary Jean Rupert, Katherine Olcwiler Shook, William Simpson, Mary Ruth Williams, WINKELMAN, Nancy Lee Nancy WinkelnHlJl, and Alice Yeurlcy. They have been 108
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