Page 79 - YB1950
P. 79
EDITH SANNER Clarksville, i\Id. Slim/fly School CllOi)" I, n, tr, Glee Clltb I, fl; Ill, IV Tiny but mighty Edic English and pSyC~1 m:ljor . cheerful disposition . alw~ys r~ady to lend a helpm.g hand ... artistic temperament exhibited In oil painting, mUSIC, and sewing made conductor's debut with college orchestra. sale female logician in 1949 logic class . auempts (0 stretch her five feet two by chinning exercises. DAV1D SARTORJO 1453 31st Road Long Island City, N. Y. I; lJo.\"i,,!; Ill; SCA en/Ii'lIcl IV; OOicers' C/"b Ill, tv, Delitl "_Dave" :!1llOng other faults he's from Brooklyn-but people like him regardless. a great teaser who can give an.d take throws leather for our Terror boxers. annual "birthday panics" are enjoyed by all never a dull moment when Dave's around ., known as Lazarus to the Al.oI·IA Staff. LOIS SAUTER Rogers Avenue Ellicott City, Md. F. T. II. III. IV: SCA If, Ill, tV: I_S/I II, "La" . an infectious laugh loves to talk loyal, friendly and dependable commtuee wor-ker . 4-1-1 All-Star fond of travel am.lIsed and amazed by the lllany variations of pro- n unciauons 01 her last name . deep appreciation of good food "Know what r mean>" 75
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