Page 75 - YB1950
P. 75
AUCUST A. PRASSINA 1031 Light Street Ballimore,lvld. /I'/!/II! (;1111111111 T"" "Gus" . mall of Icw words. . transfer Irom Towson an economics major . with indefinite plans for lhe future "I bel I forgot something" seldom seen Oil campus on week-ends well-liked popular Bachelor center around sports, especially bnsketball. ELINOR PRICE 3811 Bonsall Avenue Drexel Hill, Pa. brotherly love . . . . catching curiosity ... permanent Presbyterian. a hot dog, with everything!" ... dining hall dilemma of stuffed animal, particularly MI". Delauney's . always good 1'01' it jok~ ... Mr. Allthony's No. I "You aren't very much of a panic!" RICf-IARD C. RANDALL, JR. 21 Woodland Avenue Haddonfield, N. J. !lIe f; AlII/III KliPP" IlIpllll III, IV (Treol'lIref); ill/I/III Gumlllil 1'1111; ,I'-WI- III/IIIS/ff More than fond of Fonda sharp mind able spokes- man fOI JlIsllce III any debate New Jersey looking in the direction 01 COI01MI0 headed for grad school and parenthood "Only the Yogis have found the answer" history and political science student hobby is collecting' records. 71
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