Page 76 - YB1950
P. 76
EDWIN W. RANSFORD 2330 North 26th Street Philadelphia, Pa. II, III, IV; nuer-rroc 11th/die COI/II(:il; Gfllil"UI /Jell, Clii (Pre"i Varsity football guard for two years, Gamma Bet President . always seen with Big Sid .. is never on campus on the week-ends ... but thumbing a riele on any road to Philly . plans to go into probation and parole work. "Holy Pup!" ... Ed. HELEN L. RAY 1537 Marshall Street llaiLimore 30, Md. A jolly lass . . vivaCIOUS .. charming campus politician . energetic force in the Sociology department . multi- talcmed ... one of the guiding lights in the Hili's social activi. lies. . brings life to the most drab situations . intends to head toward graduate work. RICHARD C. RENZ 209 Shaeffer Avenue Westminster, Md. Pi ;//1)/111 tl//)/III (ViceĀ·Bela IV) Hails from New Jersey unofficial mayor of Vetville .. quiet and efficient. Haunch Black and \Vhil.~ . always ready for a round or two with the boys-if his wile says yes. charter member of Econ club. of len absent (rom campus to assist in doing housework for the BW (beautiful wife). 72
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