Page 77 - YB1950
P. 77
FLORENCE H. RICE 210 Paddingrnn Road Baltimore 12, !'vld. Phi Aljllln Mil; Hachey I, II, IV; ClIO;" IV; Glee Cillb I, If "Flo" peaches and cream complexion ... blessed with an understanding nature. proved herself a true friend Blanche Ward's barber and cleaning woman. desires 1,0 teach kindergarten or nursery SdlOOI. famous for having developed ~he sock-on-lland technique to pteve»c hair-L~\'isling while study- Ing soon wedding bells will peal with Dick beside. BETTY LEE ROBBINS 708 Linnard Street Baltimore 29, Mel. PeUte III stature but big In personality ... very favorite people -John and Helen . talent scout's find-remember Dagmar and Bessie \Vatt}? . outstanding and gracious Dell president . vivacious and impish ... but serious and competent when necessary. JOHN B. ROBERTS 1127 Bayou Place Sarasota, Fla Soccer 11, III, IV; Clliliall/,Iry GIIIII III, ITI "J. B." . education was interrupted by an interim in the air forces where he was a member of a B·29 test crew ... likes to vacation in Florida .. often seen buzzing around campus in his Crosley . fond of sailing. has won sailing contests always seen smoking a pipe. 73
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