Page 78 - YB1950
P. 78
ANITA ROWAN Su-ecr, ~hL F. T. A. Iff, IV; Hom" ICc GIII/i I, If, Ill. If'; Wesle)'lilicl/es I, /1'; (;{{'e GIIII, II, III; I',.""ch CIIIU I, II; S. C. A. Our gal 'Nita . "Cot a leucr h-orn Ed this morning" , continual consumer of nuuitional substances as is atwavs involved in some culinary experiment plans include rnarriag'e and teaching "well, see you girls later~got 10 go to home cc.' BERNICE SIMON RYDZEWSKI 1320 East 33rd Street Baltimore 18, l'vld, F. T. A.: Illfrall/llmi 5/)orl.l; Dei/II Sigllw K"j;j!ll "BOalS" transfer from U. of M added Rydzewski to hel name Iasr summer enjoys following husband Ed to football and basketball games plans to teach phys. eel. Preacher television fan .. always ready for a good lime "Are you kidding?"' TOM SANDS '1017 Eierman Avenue Baltimore 6, Md. Pi ill/,lIa AII;I",; French e/II/; I, II, t n, IV Biology Tom usually seen pipe. in hand ,. reputation [OJ classic remarks. , , vigorous tickct dispenser for Bfack and H'hilC dances . to have around ever ready with 1.lle joke, , . plans for graduate work in biology where there's coffee, there's Sands. 74
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