Page 183 - YB1950
P. 183
Lell I() ..iglll: 1'. Stn;lh. ,\[. R;ce. C. Schofield. N. HIIb\hes. needed for summer employment as a rccre.r- [unior-s LOok the titlc hy a narrow margin, tional counselor. with the big annual awards with the seniors and sophomores dose behind pany at Harvey Stone Park, fcauu-ing the them in a tie for second place, the sophomores Install.uicn or the new Board, presentation 01 having: dcte.ued the Ircslunen awards, entertainment, and rerrestunems. thc ln the only inler-collegiate contest of'lhe year's acuvitics were brought to II dose. season, the western Maryland IC,11ll met Tow- \Vjtl! the first chill winds which blew across son State Teachers College on tho Iauer's the campus, the hoekl.':Y season opened 10 the field. The first game resulted in a scoreless prospects of a wide open rncc [or the intra lie. The Lady Terrors, sparked by the out. mural championship. Last year's seniors had standing defensive work of their goalie, been uildcfeated during' their four years here Charlotte junucy, were able to thwart lite on the Hill, and this was the opportunity for hard-driving Towson team, bur were unable which the underclassmen had been wailing to score themselves. western's After several weeks of practice, it was plan second team did not fare so well and suffered tll;l!. rhe freshmen would do their pan in the a 2ยท0 loss to the home ream. struggle for the title. However, tll{: juniors \'Villt the election of an honorary hockey forged ahead early in the race by dcteaung ream, uie season carne to an end. The women the sophomores and Freshmen, only to lose 10 honored ill this manner were as follows: Ihe seniors. The senior re.uu followed this (Jffcnsivc: Peg Brown, Elsie Davis, Rachel up, somewhat cOlltrarily to expectations, with Early, .June Graf. Virginia Hale, Sara Lee a loss to the Freshmen and a tie with the Larmore, and Belly Lcnz: and Defensive: sophomores. "l'he results were t.hat the Rlith Allen, Bobhie Davidson, Charlolte 179
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