Page 182 - YB1950
P. 182
jeer, sponsored oy the 'VAA, was shouldered by Peggy Brown, the treasurer. The customary activities of the \VAA were begun early in the fall with the election of an honorary hockey ream and the arranging of outside games. A schedule was set up as ,I result of correspondence which was handled by Beuy Linton, 'VAA Secretary. For Home. comillg', the Associarion set up a dispby between the chapel and Alumni I-Iall depict. Ing a "Grand Slam" against Hampden- Sidney. In January the yearly hockey p,lrty was held in Blanche ward gym [or the pUl. pose of introducing the freshman guls to the arbtcuc system. Class nliluerals_ were given lturamurxl A\\-~rds to those freshmen who played intramurnl hockey, lind letters presented to Together with rhcsc ehallg-es came rhe men. At an open meeting held in spring. installation of a "Coke" machine in Blanche the Board presented a program built around Ward Hall, The responsibility for this pro. the opportunirics and the qualificatious (;/ock",;.,{ยท: 1'. 1I1'(l\\'lI, II. Shepler. C. Bliss, M. R, William_" J. Newell. II. Lhuou. D Phillips, C. ];'''''c)', A. y":,,Ie),. 178
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