Page 186 - YB1950
P. 186
Archers Winkleman and Allen try their skill. The basketball season Gillie to a dose as be held to determine the champion 01 the eight girls in the coaching class tried rOJ school alllong' the girJ~. Phyllis Smith and tbcn- ratings as referees. Marion Auld, .June Chm-ioue jauncy have spent quite a bit of Craf Belly Lenz, and BeLLy Shepter received time on the courts and will prove to give any- national ratings while Ruth Allen, Bertha body a rough game. Britner. Dolly Dalgeisll, and Charlotte Jann{;y Nancy winkelman, Ruth Allen, and June received local ratings. These girls did a fine Gral, archery enthusiasts, will set the pace job for which they deserve much credit again this year when aiming thcir arrows For The 1950 honorary basketball team as selected by the WAA Board is comprised 0(" Ruth Allen. Betty Lena, and Beverly Hum.r
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