Page 188 - YB1950
P. 188
Afler we graduate, there will be many times when we'll [urn to a friend and say" Remcm- bcr that time when. ?. Can you remem- bel" how impressed you were at Ensor's inauguration? Or how you applauded "Down in the Valley') And how "bout the French Club's "Barber of Seville"? These are a few o/" the highlights that Seniors will remember from their foul" years on the Hill. Although each of us has his own memory list, there are SOllie ulings remembered by all about our eel- lege life. Bull sessions in the dorm cotlec in the grille afternoons in the lab night work in the library . pep rallies the dining hall rush ... Uncle Joe and the band performing at baskethall g"mcs freshman week antics .. There are so mall)'
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