Page 180 - YB1950
P. 180
W. A. A. IWARD saauut: J. Brengle, N. Winkleman, I'. Brown, B. Lcnz, R. Allen, B. Linton, C. Janney, ~L R. Williams. SllIIlriiHg' B. Davidson, I. Ortce, S. L. Larmore, ..... Yeas-ley. WOMEN'S ATHLETICS \VOMEN'S ATHl.ETlC but they have been most obviously stressed in ASSOCI}\T!ON BOARD the courses offered by the physical education President .. .... RUTH Al.LEN departments. lVestern Maryland College has Vice-Pvcsident, .. .Ber-rv LENZ been careful to provide a complete program for all women students in this field. Sr:l.TelfIl)' BETTY LINTON Treasurer. PECC\' .BROWN Two years of physical cducarion are Fvcslnmui Representative .. BARBARA DAVIDSON required of every girl. These courses include IViol/ogel .. NANCY \VINKLEM}\N instruction and practice in both team and k/Ollflgr:r.\ยท .i'v!ARI,\N BENTON individual sports. Thus the novice is inuo. .10,\N NEWELl duced to the activity and given all OppOi l1asliel/}al/llfallager.. .Ar.rce YE,\RLE" tunity to develop her skill, while the more Golf M{I/ulgr:r . .101\N HR~:NGLE advanced player strives to Improve her pm- f-lillillg MOl/ager . [NA GRICF ficieucy. For the student interested in further l\1ol/flgel .VIRGINIA }-[,\1.I, study in the field, extensive courses are avail- Jlfl/lWgCr. .. l\'fARY RUTH \VIl.UAi\lS able. A major and minor
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