Page 150 - YB1950
P. 150
When the Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity In intramural sports, the Knights started returned LO the campus for the 1949-50 season, the fall semester with the capture of the intra- they were somewhat diminished ill number but mural football championship, seven Preachers with tile lIucleus for a fine Iratcrnnl year. The being named to the League's All-Stat team. club was fortunate in the continuance of Dr During tile winter semester, Delta Pi gave Marshall as club adviser, since he has many basketball players to the varsity and helped the dub and gained the JV sC]uad~, but had enough talent, remaining friendship 01 the members. with the [rat league to win the championship Delta Pi Alpha held open house fOI all under the able tutelage of AI Paul. students LO vic IV the 'Vorld Series and 01 her 'Vith the end of the first semester, elections TV shows during the week. During r.he first were held. Tony Konsumr was clcCled Deha semester. the fraternity was weB. led by Bryan or President, with Bill Munroe. Bill Simp" Haddaway as President, with JIITl Hackman, son, and Len Zawacki ably fillillg the otllel Bill Simpson, and Hank Corrado aCling cap. offices. ably in the club's ocher offices. This year the annual Preacher dancc was Shortly after the open house period, the the Sweetheart Dunce. The dance was a great Club held a smoker for non-frat members and social and financial success, for the first time eligible students. After bids LO prospccuvc in many rcars. Many innovations_a bubbling pledges had been sent out, fifteen Illembers wishlllg-wdl, stnking decoruuons, a balcony were added. cafe-were featured. Alter the dance, there Tile Preachers were well rcpresemcd in was a buffet suppcr at the clubroom for mcm- athletics, both interscholastic and intramural. bers and friends. Many of the Purple and Gold helped bring The PrC
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