Page 152 - YB1950
P. 152
The Gamma Bet.a Chi fraternity can look The Gamma Bets rang in 1950 with tht: sue- back upon the school year with a Icefing 01 O::'S~fllJ "Winter festival Dance," at which satisfaction and acb.evemcnt. we have time the members chose Miss Patty Ray as ahead in all fields in an effort to iltlprov~ the "Sweetheart of Gamma Beta Chi." college lire of every student, both fraternal The second semester saw three of our mem- and otherwise. bers leave the Hill, but six new brothers were Under the leadership of President Ccne added LO 1I1e roster at mid-term bidding. New Frank and Vice-President Dick Flavin, tlle officers were also chosen with Ed Ransford dub endeavored to further the aims of its being elected President, and AI Brig'ht, Vice- members, socially, scholasucally, and ill the President. Russ Mcnee took over the minutes field of athletics. Thcy were assisted in the as Secretary, while Ken Hoover remaincd a.~ administration or their duties by Secretary Treasurer. lra Zepp was elected Chaplain Harry walker, Treasurer Ken Hoover, Chap and Gene frank was made Scrgcaru-at-Arms lain Dan Honcmunn, and Sergeant-at-Arms Doctor Straughn continued as our adviser. Russ Meuce. and provided us with patient and capable The first social event of importance was the guidance, for which we are l]Cartily grateful. pledging, and subsequcm acceptance of twelve The year 1950 also found the Gamllla Bets new members in November. Just before the turning OUl their first. yearbook, dedicated to Christmas holidays we played host 10 the Phi Western Maryland College in the spirit in Alpha Mu sorority. Refreshments were served, whidl it was founded, and expressing the earn. and a shan entertainmcnt was given by our est desire that the ideals upon which this more ralcmed brothers institution is based may live forever. L IV n.: J. Eggl}'. H W;dkcr. R. 1''',,';''. G. Fra"k, E. Ransford. A. Bright. I. Zcpp. S_ AII)I';(I";,,. 118
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