Page 154 - YB1950
P. 154
The school year 19'19-50 has proven to be a gold st.arue of a football player erected lor one ,of the best years. ,for the Pi Alpha Fr',l the Homecoming feSlivilies. The next project tertut.y. Fraternity hie on our CUIlP"S IS undertaken by the Frater-nuy was tlle_pllrdlase inspired by three forces: scholastic achieve- (tf some hadly needed lurninu-e. Bill Henry ment, intramural competition, and positive argued the pros and COllS of modern television couuibuuou college community. Schol chairs and finally won. Then there were asucally. the and Whites have won the remarks about such a poor-looking clubroom Frank Hun the four semesters pre- such beautiful hu-ninu-e. After a long: cedil.lg the and have hopes 01 struggle, Cliff Pfaff was chosen conllnuJl1g The teams fielded decorator. He and Don Bailey in inuanuu-al SpOrts have shown to a good under the accusal ions and lhreals advantage this year. The contributions to the brothers and with the aid of the college counuunity have been numerous, but illierested. c!ub 1l,Icmbers completed th,e job. the sponsorship of thc Homecoming Dance III tilC opinion 01 most. members and Visitors, wa~, probably d,le most outstanding ex,lI11pl? we now have the best looking clubroom on Frater-nity officers for the first semester rhis thc Hill. Tile club will probably never heal year included: Carroll Parker, Alpha: Bill Ihe end of the red door, but the green walls Dulaney, Vice-Alpha; Cliff Nafr, Bela; Charles and the Ilowered drapes have had much Hammer, Vice-Beta; and Bill Huber, Sergeant praise. Twenty-two nell' pledges joined us at Arms. Second semester tile club was headed during the past semester and their efforts have by Charlie Shook as Alpha, Joe Culotta as helped (lie fraternity considerably. The Ira- Vice-Alpha: Robert Douglas as Bela, Richard tCI:nity SllOW~d a tare season SP,urt to come in Rem. as vice-Beta. and Howard Haines as d~lrd in the intramural touch lootball league. Sergeant at Arms. The thankless job of treas- urer or Cununa was held both semesters by ~~~I~l' ~~II~~eltl~:ll~Lt~~n.l.J:'I~;~~'J()~,l:c\~\~:~~l~~~;:: Dick Dunlop who seemed never 10 forge I rhat ccuainly the most cheered. those dues weren't paid. Another success this year was the Siglllil The year's activities were many and ill- Black and While party. From all reports eluded both the fraternal group and the col ~Vendell Young kept rhc young ladies and lege group. The Black and While Homecour faculty HI attendance well entertained. ing Dance was one of the major successes of l tx now up 10 the new members of the dub the year. In addition, the fraternity won a keep up the good work begun by thc grad I!' card table lor Ihe most workcd on projeu, members. !-L';II<:'. w. DlILII')". C. Parker, C Sho"k . .J- C"loll:1. R. Rem. SIIIJldiug: 'V. Hilher, C. Ham. ""~1.Ie n""lop. R. DOllglas. E. Tholll:" 150
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