Page 146 - YB1950
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Dear IIIII.II!JIIIC, ing us a Christmas party complete with enter- A lot has happened since you left W. ;,,1. C. tainment. refreshments, and presents for all. This last year lias been a full one for the After Christmas, we went [.0 work on redeco Sigllias. \Ve know you will be glad [0 hear rating the clubroom. which now sparkles with of the grand job done by 0111' first semester its nell' p.!inl. job and slip-coven. It was at ulliccrs. They were Jane Cuumunn, Prcsi- this time that we began work on our yearbook, delll; Ginny Blake, Vice-PresidellJ.; Rachel "Tile Silver Lining." Ennis, Secrelary; and Virginia Clayton, Trans- Our second semester officers, Priscilla Lank- nrcr. ford, Presidenl>" Elayne Close, Vice-President, When the fall bids were accepted. we found Norma Moore, Secrelo'I'Y; and Babs Payne, that, tllineen was our lucky number. for that Tl"e(/~'urer, were elecle~1 just before mid-year many new "Skunks" joined LIS. After their bidding when .sel'en girls LOok the pledge to iniuarion, we all worked together on 0111 "Scarlet and Sliver." Homecoming project. In February, baskctball occupied our time One of the nicest events was tile tea given and thoughts as we cheered lor our Sigma by Mrs. Marshall 1\)]" the new members. 1t "athletes" in tile Intcrsororuy tournament. was it wonderful opportunity for them to gel Our annual alumnae picnic was replaced to knoll' our sponsor. this year by a banquet given for us by OUI We were very successful in our big project Baltimore Alufllnae Croup. II was one of the for the year-selling college calendars for the most pleasam of our Sigma activities. benefit of CARE. Every Sigma did her part After the Freshman lea came Ihe Sigma to help fulfill our mono: "A calendar in every "Circus" for our Rush Par-ty, when we all room. "downed around." Our Yuletide pan), couldn't have been On May Day. we again welcomed Friend, nicer. The clubroom was transformed bv and alumnae to our open house aftcr the imaginative holiday decorations, and the e\'~- ceremonies. The final event was rbc Senior !ling was made complete by lhe arrival of a Banquet itt whicb we bid farewell 10 leu mem- very padded Santa who brought a beautiful bers who have IIOW joillnl your ranks as flew electric clock for the clubroom, and a alumnae. cute stuffed Sigma dog for each pledge. Fide ct arnorc, Our brothers, [he Black and Whites, eli- THlc SIG,\Ii\S maxed [lie pre-holiday social auiviues by giv- 112
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