Page 148 - YB1950
P. 148
On an evening in late September, the dor- meru by our treasurer, Larry Bailey, we feh mant Bachelor Clubroom suddenly became a able .1.0 deem out dance, a huge success. beehive of activity. Amidst. the hubbub of a With the blowing of the final whistle, a pillg pong game, a television show, numerous competitive and well-played Football season card games, and the noisy conversation 01 came to an end. Under the leadership of our our members, our new president, JO? F~)\der, vice-president and team captain, John Sil- rapped his gavel for the format beglnn!llg of ber, our team posted a fine record, finishing another great Bachelor year. in second place. The cal!ing of the roll by our secretary, With the aroma of steaks as bail, a John Dorgan, found a total of '10 members fine IUI"IlOlil insured [or [he Bachelor's returning. After an cxccltenr Smoker, which annual mid-semester banquet. The saying of showed that ali the stars aren't in Hollywood, grace by our chaplain, Dan \<\ielliver, started our number was augmented by twelve. [he dinner, which was followed by e1, lion Our alumni and Iricnds were greeted on of officers for L~le ensuing sell lester. Ta 'ng Homecoming day by Olll' Bachelor display, a lip the leadership lor the second semester a huge replica of the front page of the day's Joe Fowler, Alpha; Charlie Kidd, vice-Alpha; football program. John Dorgan, Gamma; Larry Bailey, Tau; To inuoduce the new Bachelors to our Joe Luperini, Sgt-nt-Arms: Dan Welliver, sisters, the Dehs. a precedent was broken ~haplain; and Malcolm Meltzer, correspond when a Bachclor-Delr party was held in the Ing secretary, clubroom. \Ve continued our social season with more With the mailing of the contract by OUI of those parties which had highlighted the Corresponding Secretary, Bill Porter, an first semester, wiLl.l our final banquet in May. orchestra was engaged for what we consider Under [he guidance of our friend and the greatest dance of the year, the Bachelor. adviser, Prof. Frank B. Hurt, we consider the sponsored Dance. Tlll"Ough tile year 19'19-l9.~O as the greatest in the history plaudits and compliments of the sllld~nt body of our organiaarion. and through tbe reading of the financial state- Flrs( m",: W. I'ol'(er. 1- Dorga". L. Bailcv. D 1I'.:lIi,'':1'. S':cQlul row: .f. Silber, J. Fowler, C. Kidd. I·B
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