Page 144 - YB1950
P. 144
Looking back, this has been a memorable vacation knowing that we had left behind us year for the Phi Alphs. Last year's gradualing an overflo\~,jng basket [01: sOl.lle happy family. class left our club smaller than it has been in Wilh Christmas spirit In ille air, the the memories of most of us. Entcrtained as we Gamma Bets played Santa to the Phi Alphs. were in our first meeting of Ihe year in tile liv- There were unusual decorations with which ing room of our nell' club sponsor, all ninc- our sophomores adorned our clubroom, and teen or us fitted comfortably about the fire- we even had a fireplace. \Vllal matter if our place in the de Long home. Donie Alexander, Santa didn't quite fit? our new President, opened her first meeling we olficially opened second semester wuh and was supported by Sara Lee Larmore as our formal sophomore banquet at Hoffman's, vice-president, Anll Thompson as secretary, at which we installed our new officers, Sara Mar-y Will as treasurer, l\"iarion Auld, chap. Lee Larmore. pr'esidenr, Peggy Stacy, vice. lain, Susie Bruning, Sgt.-at-Arms, and Flo president; Bab.s Jolley, secretary; I'vJa~'y '"'ViII, Rice, alumni secretary. u-casurer; Marron Auld, chaplain; SUSIC Br un. when bids were accepted, we proudly and ing, Sgt.-et-Arms: and Belty Lenz, alumni sec. happily welcomed twcru.y-iwo new "calves." retary. There were barely enough "cows" to keep our In February we organized it basketball team mooing pledges in, order as they "grazed" of which lI'e could be' proud. It was a big through the halls ol Blanche Ward. , order for them to live I.I]J to the champion \Ve had much to keep us busy uruil lhe ship wbirh we had held 101' two years. March Thanksgiving holidays. For Our hard work found us busy again with social life and a 011 the Homecoming project, we received a tea was given in honor of the freshman girls. prize. "Our record wasn't bear." Then we One of the projects of ttrc year which gave us found rime for a Sophomore Surprise Supper more joy than anything else was our adopted in Harvey Slone Pnrk and a trip 1,0 Baltimore baby sister from Europe. 1n tile early spring where we were erncrtained by our alumni we gladly abandoned our pLII:suit of higher we all enjoyed the delicious dinner and knowledge for an afternoon wnh the "happy "john Loves Mary." On November 171h. we hobos." Our year ended with the final Senior were hosts to our brothers, the Gamma Bets. Banquet. It was nice [0 leave [or our Thanksgiving 110
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