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wuh the uu-n of another half century, we living on one floor, all the resident Dells Gin find the "new look" willing into the old look, be found infesting some room on first 11001' the "wife of Frankenstein" eyes grotesquely Blanche Ward, Officially known as Dcltland invading the area, and the Dells Dedicating this year LO Dr. Wills, whose in an all 'round record year of campus affairs. wife was the first sponsor of the Dehs, all the The beginning or the fall term round us a banquets were held in his honor. The birth- sorority without a presidem-Lee Kompanek, day banquet on Valentine Day left us ail the bride who didn't return. While we all holding our tummies aIter being well taken wished her the "Best," we had to hotfoot it care of at the Hoffman House. and elect a new president. i\-liciwintel" again found the more athletic For our first semester officers, we had Beuv members of Ihe dub displaying their skill all Lee Robbins, Prcsident; Ruth Allen, Vic~- the basketball cou.n, while the aU.lletic sup- President; Rae Ather, Sec1"e/my; Rita Lud- porters backed thcll" team by cheering on ure wig, Treasurer, Barbara Pfoutz, Sgt.-al-Anns; sidelines. and Rathel Ebert, Cltaplai n, After the sec- Tile bridge tournarucn r also round us ond semester elections, the ofTicial positions interested and participating in tIle were held by Ruth Allen, Angela Crothers, lion. Helen Ray, Joanne Koehler, Jeanne Dixon, with members as presidents of both 'Nom- and Nancy walker. en's Athletic Association and Student Gov- Along with the initiation of the new Baby ernment, the Delis are proud of tlleir pan Dehs, Miss Bcnncyan, our new sponsor, as leaders in campus activities. became one of us. Came spring, and the preparation for the At Homecoming, a traditionally rainy tea and rush pany were all a part of the tra- October 29, Della Sigma Kappa shined as it ditional social whirl of sorority life. welcomed visitors and alumni back with the No year can end without its Allie! Lang Homecoming Queen and the best all-round Sync and so May found D.S.K. bidding fare- Homecoming display. well to its eleven Senior Dchs at their armual The only sorority to have all its members steak banquet at Schotties'. 136
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