Page 139 - YB1950
P. 139
INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL The Interfraternity Council consists of Ille scheduling of Interfraternity Inotball, bas- twelve men: the [our fraternity presidents and ketball, and volleyball games a senior and junior representative from each In February, the scbotnsuc averages of the fraternity. The Council functions as an advis- fraternity men were computed and the Frank ory gTOlip only and receives most of its power B. HUrl Scholarship Cup awarded to the Ira- only through the complete cooperation 01' all t,ernity with the highest. composite average. the members. All problems concerning rush This year tile lnterfr-atcruity Council has iug, pledging, and scheduling of smokers and been very act ive. In the first pan of the sec- dances arc handled by the Council, which con- arid semester, the Council sponsored it March stantly endeavors to gain support [or benet of Dimes movie. There was the annual Intel ail-round fraternity standards and ideals. The frarcrnny Banquet. In the spring, in coopera offices rotate annually and for the first scrnes- rion with the lrucrsorority Council, the Inter. tel', Carroll Parker served as president: Joe fnuernity Council sponsored the Pan-Hellenic Fowler as vice-president; Gene Frank, secre- Dance. Following last year's precedent, a tary: and Bryan Haddaway, treasurer. Second "name" band was engaged. The I'an-Hcl was semester the officers were: Charles Shook. presi- a great success. In keeping v.Irh the spirit ot dent; Joe Fowler, vtce-prestclcm: Ed Rans- Iriendnness and cooperation between the ford, secretary: and Anthony Koustant, treas- organization and the Admin isu-ation, the pro urer. cecds of the dance were donated to the Col- The Imerfralel'nily Athletic Council is gov- lege. erned indirectly by the 1. F_ C. and aids in
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