Page 166 - YB1949
P. 166
First Row: Mgr. Barry, Knepp, Brandt, Dyke, Adarnovich, Munroe; Second Row: Elliott, Shook, Noble, Smith, Rodeffer; Third Row: Babb, Hershberger, Douglas, Culhane. BASEBALL Coaches Tom Terreshinski and Ed Elliott It would seem as though the team has ade- are optimistic as to a winning season for this quate power at the plate but is liable to be year's Western Maryland baseball club. The weak defensively. The season's record only can return of six of the eight regular starters causes prove or disprove these early judgments. this pre-season assurance. Only first base and The extensive schedule promises many thrills. center field await replacements though other One experience we can scarcely expect, though, changes may be made if newcomers can dis- is a repetition of last year's Hopkins game. place the lettermen. One of those in a lifetime is more than enough. The veteran John Adamovich returns to the Many fine baseballers have come off "The second base position and Julie Dyke will prob- Hill" in past years and we fully expect the ably fill the other half of the keystone duo. caliber of baseball played by the 1949 team to Paul Terreshinski is again expected to handle be equivalent to that of their predecessors. the detail at the hot corner but the first base position is still in doubt. Hurlers Elliott, Munroe, and Noble. Power-batter Jim Formwalt and John Babb appear slated for outfield duty while Bob Douglas, a .400 batter last year, is being de- pended upon for a considerable amount of the catching chores. Last year's work-horse of the mound staff, Ken Munroe, is expected to again carry the burden of the hurling. Southpaws Noble and Elliott add depth to this position.
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