Page 167 - YB1949
P. 167
• Sitting: Kiehne, Roberts, Wiser, Dow, Needle, Keenan; Kneeling: Mgr. Truitt, Honemann, Seemer, Page, Dvorine, Gold, Aiau, Capt. Brown, Robbins, Mgr. Dorgan; Standing: Coach Paul, Hackman, Rhoads, Fraser, Owens, Ginsberg, Richards, Byron, Mann, Ebert, Landau. LACROSSE The success of Western Maryland's so-called Though some of the football players will be "experimental" team last year warranted a full unable to compete in the early part of the schedule for this season. Again student-coach season, the team figures to be stronger in all Al Paul is holding the reins but this year he departments save the all-important goal posi- has a nucleus of veterans around which to tion. Joe Gianelli will be available periodically build his starting lineup. I meet such powers as Penn State, Franklin and to fill the slot while Julie Dyke and Bill This year's schedule calls for the Terrors to Dvorine will probably take over at other times. Elmer Richards, hampered last year by an Marshall, Loyola, Hofstra, and V.M.I. Just injury, adds strength to the defense as he joins how the stick experts will stand up under such Captain Dick Brown, Harvey Aiau, Tony competition remains to be seen. Byron, and Armand Gold in the backfield staff. Midfield shows considerable strength with Stickmen at practice. Hackman, Honemann, Mann, Moore, and Paul leading the way. Heading the attack department are such stalwarts as Ebert, Keenan, Landau, Kiehne, and Needle. This sport is in the process of experiencing a phenomenally rapid growth on "The Hill." The scheduled opposition is of high caliber but all hold. out fond hopes for a successful season.
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