Page 124 - YB1949
P. 124
First Row: L. Reese, P. Alexander, J. Minnis, D. Ritter; Second Row: B. White, J. Sause, M. J. Price, E. Cutbub, C. Sapp, M. Clayton, M. Ruppenthal, T. Kornpanek, Third Row: D. Alexander, M. Will, M. Twigg, P. Moore, R. Ennis. INTERSORORITY COUNCIL FIRST SEMESTER sorority representatives, was given by the council for the purpose of presenting the In- President ESTHER GUTBUB tersorority Scholastic Cup to the club with Vice-President MARADEL CLAYTON the highest scholastic average. Delta Sigma Secretary-Treasurer MARY JANE PRICE Kappa won the cup this year which was pre- sented to them by Dr. Ensor. Social Chairman JEAN SAUSE In order to foster more friendly relations among the clubs, the council again sponsored SECOND SEMESTER the basketball tournament in February which President CAROLYN SAPP was won by Phi Alpha Mu, and the bridge tournament in April. Vice-President MARADEL CLAYTON Again the co-ed study room in McDaniel Secretary-Treasurer BETTY BECKER Hall was under the jurisdiction of the council, Social Chairman and a new and better study room is planned for in the future. MARGARET RUPPENTHAL The Intersorority Council set dates for spring teas and rushparties, and was responsible for the regulations concerning rushing and The Intersorority Council is a federation of bidding. all the sororities on "The Hill"; each sorority The Pan Hellenic Dance, held in May, was sending its president, vice-president, and a sponsored jointly by the Interfraternity and junior member, as representatives to the Intersorority Councils, thereby uniting all the council. fraternal organizations on "The Hill" in one In January, a tea, attended by faculty and final project. 120
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