Page 119 - YB1949
P. 119
Seated: P. Alexander, S. Dixon, B. Amos, D. Vansant, H. Ray; Stallding: L. Schubert, C. Brown, S. Wine. campus, for added Christmas cheer. After keep them clean. A new bulletin board was finals a March of Dimes Drive netted almost erected in the center of the campus to facili- $150 from the campus. tate getting all the campus news to everyone, An informal get togther was held at the be- and the regular column in the Gold Bug was ginning of the second semester to help orient instituted. new students to campus ways. The' annual Inter-collegiate relations were greatly im- S.G.A. elections were held in late March, and proved by correspondence with several of our another athletic award assembly was held to rivals and the actual exchange of representa- honor the winter and spring sports aspirants. tives with one in particular. Happily, there May day, following the annual tradition, were few instances of the judicial nature that was a big affair and drew the active, outside demanded S.G.A. action, but those occurrences actions of the Student Government to a close. did serve to prove the ability and validity of a With the combined groups working as a combined Student Government. unit, many little grievances were brought to With our heartfelt thanks to those who light, and suitable action was taken to correct helped us to try to make this school year a them. New trash cans and sand buckets were better one, we retire quietly into the annals strategically placed in the buildings to help of W.M.C. ll5
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