Page 123 - YB1949
P. 123
Juniors demonstrated their skill in the first many problems for stage manager Don Bailey. O'Neill play presented on this campus, "Where However, the group accepted the difficulties as the Cross is Made," which was highlighted by a challenge, and with ingenuity and imagina- Donald Lichty's powerful characterization of tion turned out a polished performance. Nat Bartlett. The Juniors rounded out their The expectant hush of the audience just be- program with an old fashion melodrama "He fore the curtain rises, and the sting of heavy Ain't Done Right By Nell"-complete with make-up stimulate a desire to give a better the background music of an upright piano. We performance. hissed the villain and wept with little Nell The feeling of working together is one of when she was forced to take leave of the little the most important factors of the Players. The home and face the cruel world. "I Remember Mama" by John van Druten Sophomores contribute their knowledge of adopted from Kathryn Forbes' book "Mama's "stage presence" and poise; the Juniors assist Bank Account" was chosen for the commence- in preparing the sets, in the make-up and the ment play. For the first time a cat, Uncle costuming; and the Seniors lend to this their Elizabeth, was included in the cast. He was, talent in interpretation and characterization. incidentally, the only "actor" to have an under- Then, under the guidance and inspiration of study. The unusual physical staging of "I Re- Miss Smith, comes the indescribable thrill of member Mama" with its numerous short playing a part-thus continuing the great scenes demanding frequent changes provided tradition of the College. Players. . . serious study . • 119
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