Page 128 - YB1949
P. 128
Iota ~amma (9hi President MARADEL CLAYTON with a jolly spirit of the Christmas season. Vice- Ptesideti t DORIS RITTER Holly and mistletoe decked the room, and our party was a huge success. Recording Secretary BETSY BUDERER In February we welcomed four more sorority Treasurer CAROL LOWE sisters, and they joined in our project to re- Corresponding Secretary LOUISE HYDER decorate the club room. Work was also begun Intersorority Representative on a club yearbook, and during the year we PATRICIA MOORE entered into all of the activities planned by the Intersorority Council. In the Spring the annual rush tea and roller September found the Iotas back agam in skating party provided as much fun as ever. the club room discussing old times and sum- The March alumni banquet in Baltimore was iller vacations. It wasn't long before we wel- followed by a bridge party given in Baltimore comed seven new germs into our midst, and by the alumni. put them through the paces of initiation. We feel that the spirit of Iota Gamma Chi, Homecoming was soon upon us, and we be- and the good times we have shared together gan work upon our project for the display. will remain with us "down through the chang- In December the Iota club room was brimming ing years." Seated: P. Moore, B. Buderer, M. Clayton, L. Hyder; Standing: L. Hoffman, C. Lowe, D. Ritter. 124
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