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First Row: A. VanOrder, S. Wright, H. Adams, A. Harclester, I-I. Lindahl, W. Carroll, E. Nettleship, D. Ritter, M. Mott; Second Row: L. Pietroforte, M. Simmons, R. Keys, C. Parker, T. Butterbaugh, C. Franko, D. Johnson, P. Tobey, D. Boller, L. Stover, H. Travis, C. Davis, S. Clarke, J. Leonard, D. Bailey; Third Row: H. Ray, K. Hoover, D. Pinholster, B. Robbins; Fourth Row: C. Nikolakopoulos, C. Rahter, C. Seymour, J. Lockman. ARTS SYMPOSIUM FIRST SEMESTER fine arts-music, painting, sculpture, and archi- tecture, the dance and literature. Dr. Thomas Steering Committee Marshall and Dr. William MacDonald acted HARRY ADAMS, Chairman as sponsors. MICKEY HARDESTER Programs were prepared largely by the mem- BILL CARROLL bers, and included discussions of four phases Recording Secretary HELEN LINDAHL of the Greek drama, ballet, music of Shostoko- vich, arias from the operas, Swedish sculpture, and Dr. MacDonald's lecture on architecture. SECOND SEMESTER On March 4th, Miss Dorothy Miner, cura- Steering Committee tor of manuscripts of the Walters Art Gallery, GEORGE SEYMOUR, Chairman spoke to the Symposium about Western Euro- JERRY LOCKMAN pean illuminated manuscripts of the Middle LEON STOVER Ages and Renaissance, and about the then Recording Secretary current exhibit in Baltimore. Miss Miner il- lustrated her discussion with colored slides. ELEANOR NETTLESHIP Dr. Ford, professor of English at Morgan State College in Baltimore, addressed the group on March 18th on the subject "Propaganda in A newcomer to "The Hill," the Arts Sym- Negro Literature." posium this year took its place among the Highlight of the year's activities was a trip numerous campus organizations. to hear Verdi's II Trovatore. Twenty members, The group met twice a month in McDaniel many of them for the first time, enjoyed a Lounge to discuss, learn about, and enjoy the thrilling production of opera. 102
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