Page 110 - YB1949
P. 110
First Row: W. Steele, E. Davis, M. Davis, J. Palmer, J. Damuth, D. Keesecker, W. Bradham, M. Brandt, B. Brandenburg, V. Kaltrider; Second Row: L. Royer, R. Holmes, B. Bachtell, S. Herring, A. Shuppert, M. Shawn, M. Stackhouse, B. Crosswhite, B. Roberts; Third Row: R. Ennis, H. Kahn, M. Ruppenthal, B. Taylor, D. Alexander, D. Grauel, J. Herring, B. Baumgardner, H. Parsons, A. Hardester; Fourth Row: A. Mayer, D. Graybeal, P. Shear, M. Naylor, D. Horine, R. Carvy, M. Simpson, D. Day, S. Barnett, V. Armacost; Fifth Row: E. Fenby, B. Simpson, J. Daughtrey, J. Dixon, A. Rowan, D. Reck, M. Schaeffer, R. Lang, H. Leerburger. GLEE CLUB One of the outstanding musical orgamza- were portrayed as a picturesque window with tions on campus is the Girls' Glee Club, individual toy dolls singing the carols of the directed by Miss Grace Murray. About sixty- United Nations. The first portion of this pro- five girls interested in choral work composed gram was repeated over Radio Station WFMD this group during the 1948-1949 season. Al- in Frederick. A program of the Glee Club's though they met only once a week, sixth choral work was presented in Alumni Hall in period on Tuesday afternoon, their work place of a chapel service during the spring showed amazing accomplishment. season, and the annual concert at the West- Carrying on the tradition of former years, minster Reformed Church was also given. the Glee Club presented the annual Christ- These girls of the Western Maryland Glee mas program for the American Association of Club worked harmoniously to achieve their University Women in McDaniel Lounge. The goal-that of interpreting the music of yester- program was divided into two parts, the first day and today in an effort to develop a finer consisting of six numbers sung by the entire appreciation of great music for their audiences, chorus, and the second of ten solos, which as well as for themselves. 106
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