Page 104 - YB1949
P. 104
First Row: P. Moore, B. Funk, J. Conaway, B. Morris, H. Lindahl.Second Row: H. Hall, G. Coulter, G. Seymour, J. Daughtrey, L. Shepherd, D. Patten, K. Rice, L. Pietroforte; Third Row: J. Culotta, R. Wampler, R. Layton, W. Marks, R. Fraser, G. Franko, C. Libis, M. Coverly, D. Townsend, M. Simpson. CAMERA CLUB President JEAN DAUGHTREY and selling of Christmas cards picturing differ- Vice-President GEORGE SEYMOUR ent campus scenes. A second project was tak- Secretary-Treasurer LUTHER SHEPHERD ing pictures of couples at the Homecoming Dance. On both occasions the members were Upon returning to the Hill last fall, the afforded experiences in developing, printing Camera Club began the year with one of the and enlarging. largest enrollments in its history. The meet- The club staged several photo contests dur- ings' are held bi-monthly, usually in Science ing the year where snap-shots depicting various Hall. Once a month an illustrated lecture is situations were exhibited. Dean Free, our presented through the cooperation of the sponsor, and Dr. McDonald were the judges. Eastman Kodak Company. We hope that by next fall our dark room The club has had as its objective this year, in the basement of McKinstry will be ready to acquaint the members with the techniques for use. At that time we expect to purchase of taking, developing, and printing pictures. some new equipment so that our room will The main project of the year was the making be as efficient and complete as possible. 100
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