Page 111 - YB1949
P. 111
THE DEBATING CLUB W.M.C.'s Debating Society has met with an other members of the DEBATING ASSOCIA- unlimited amount of success in this, its third TION OF PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGES. postwar year of debating. The success of the Debates were scheduled with Loyola, Mt. St. team might be attributed to the fact that the Mary's, Johns Hopkins, Elizabethtown, Gettys- topic-RESOLVED" THAT THE FED- burg, and Dickinson. ERAL GOVERNMENT SHOULD ADOPT This year's team has set a precedent for A POLICY OF EQUALIZING EDUCA- future debating teams. A tour was carefully TIONAL OPPORTUNITY IN TAX SUP- planned to make possible debates with col- PORTED SCHOOLS BY MEANS OF leges in Maryland and Pennsylvania, such as ANNUAL GRANTS-is one of vital import- Millersville State Teachers,' Franklin and ance to future teachers, parents, and citizens. Marshall, Lebanon Valley. A weekend was set Professor Vance A. Criswell is the advisor aside, and the team spent three entire days in of this group and Harriet Kahn has acted as debate. chairman. The Debating Society prides itself in the After one semester of discussing the powers fact that it has remained undefeated in all of argumentation and individual oratorical decision debates-a worthwhile accomplish- abilities, the team was prepared to meet the ment for the 1948-1949 debating season. L. Justice, H. Kahn, V. Criswell, Advisor, H. Parsons, H. Cropper. 107
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