Page 105 - YB1949
P. 105
THE COLLEGE RADIO PLAYERS "From the campus of Western Maryland range of experiences for actor and listener College, the College Radio Players present-" alike. This familiar phrase indicates that another Another purpose of the Radio Players is to dramatic sequence is on its way to the radio produce, throughout the year, programs of public. Under the direction of the Dramatic various campus organizations. Two such Art Department, the Radio Players function broadcasts were presented this year by the as a means by which fine drama is taken from International Relations Club and the Student the limits of the stage at Alumni Hall and Government Association. The I.R.C. held a given to a much larger audience. Students of round-table discussion of President Truman's the college who are interested in the technique plan for a liberal America. The S.G.A. drama- of radio drama take part in all phases of pro- duction, including acting, mechanics, and so tized a fantasy depicting a jet-propelled West- forth. ern Maryland as the hub of the Atomic Age. Shifting their stage craft to the mike, the Programs like these enable these campus College Players presented two plays, a special organizations to better acquaint students and adaptation of the Greek tragedy Antigone and the public with their activities. In this manner, Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle. These the listening public gains a close glimpse of two widely diversified dramas provided a wide life on the Hill. c. Goodrich, T. Larson, D. Saltzgaver, M. Mott, A. Shuppert, H. Haines, J. Leonard, N. Wright, D. Bailey. 101
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