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(Clockwise starting at 6) Outer Circle: M. Thomas, C. Wilderson, E. Ominsky, P. Shear, B. Summers, B. Tipton, R. Garvey, S. Horn, K. Wiley, H. Wiley, M. Simpson, R. Garvey, J. Dorgan, R. Wilmer, r. Seiland, D. Turner, II. Adams, M. LesCalettes, D. Weaver, J. Raubenheimer, B. Milstead, C. Schofield, J. Beaver, J. Brown, D. Day, M. Simmons, A. Larsen, A. Cruthers, B. White, T. Kompanek, R. Ludwig, B. Bern, J. Gorsuch; Inner Circle: D. Reck, J. Simms, E. Davis, D. Shindle, A. Park, G. Turner, S. Rinehart, N. Lawson, J. Palmer, N. Burdick. LE CERCLE FRANCAIS President JOYCE GORSUCH versity was given by one of the officers at the Vice-President MARY ANNE THOMAS first meeting. The traditional "Cantique de Secretary BERTHA BERN Noel," a program of appropriate French Christ- mas carols, and the reading of theĀ· nativity, Treasurer MARGARET BEYER was presented to the student body in Decem- ber. A very informative and exciting talk "Le Cercle Francais" provides an opportunity about France during the German occupation for students to make practical use of the was given by M. Toureille, a native French- knowledge of the French language which they man. In February, the annual "soiree' of bridge have acquired. The meetings, generally in the and bingo provided a delightful evening of form of a social affair, are held the first Mon- entertainment. The climatic feature of the day of every month in McDaniel Lounge. year was the annual "Mardi Gras." For the From the "bonsoir" to the "Marseillaise," the final "seance," the gay spring festival featured program is conducted "tout en francais." the presentation of the "Barber of Seville." All A vivid account of her summer experience in of these events form part of the tradition of the French House at Western Reserve Uni- Western Maryland College. 96
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