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I BETA BETA BETA "To stimulate sound scholarship, to promote President JESSE MYERS the dissemination of scientific truth, and to Vice-President CAROLYN SAPP encourage investigation in the life sciences"- Secretary MARIAN GREIFENSTEIN these are the motivating forces that keep the Historian BETTY AMOS members of the Alpha Mu Chapter of Beta Treasurer C. L. BENNIGHOF Beta Beta busily occupied with the activities of the club. Under the leadership of professor C. L. Bennighof and with helpful advice from Our chapter was honored this spring to act our new biology department head, Dr. H. P. as host to the fifth Northeastern Regional Con- Sturdivant, Tri-Beta members have enjoyed vention of Beta Beta Beta Honorary Bioligica1 another successful year. Fraternity. Representatives to the conference Each week, Tri Bets gathered to participate held round-table discussions and talked over in a lecture and discussion period. In addition student projects, field and research work which to these meetings, special speakers, movies, bi- has been carried on in the various organiza- annual initiations and the annual spring frolic tions. Increased scientific knowledge and a at Cascade Lake all helped to make our pro- closer relationship between the various chapters gram more interesting. was the reward for all who attended. First Row: J. Myers, Dr. H. Sturdivant, Advisor, Prof. C. Bennighof, Advisor, Prof. Hendrickson, M. Greifenstein; Second Row: D. Gamber, D. Johnson, M. Price, B. Lenz, C. Janney, P. Moore, E. Hoyle; Third Row: D. Patten, P. Kable, C. Hammer, H. Leighton, E. Hammersla, L. Oberc, Fourth Row: S. Garrison, C. Libis, W. Dvorine, F. Thomas, T. Holt, A. Gold. 91
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