Page 55 - YB1948_Classical
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WILLIAM C. COOK, J1<. MAllY JANE CORBETr 330 South Monroe Street 134 Carlisle Street Baltimore 23, Nlarybnd Gettysburg, Pennslyvania Choir 1, 2; Student Government l ; College Home Economics Clab -i ; Aloha Typing Plcyers 1, 2, 3; Cold Bug 3; Wesleyans Editor 4 President 3; Pi Alpha Atptuc "Corbett". . subtle humor and sly remarks "Bill" .. left University of Baltimore pro- . devoted to dancing and her precious re- law course and entered \VMC as an ad- vanced freshman and pre-ministerial stu- cord collection. . dreams and talks about dent ... active on campus ill various organi- Edgartown, Massachusetts "what H zations and off campus in pastoral work. place!". . transfer [rom Wesley Junior favorite diversion is eating chocolates ill College _ . Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is her McDaniel Lounge on Saturday night: (not horne, pride and joy . round frequently in alone). . full schedule in senior year- the throes of bridge and jam sessions . morning classes, night work in Baltimore, would be lost without her psych courses. - first pastorate in Hlviera Beach and recently Pennsylvania slang ... noted for her inde- acquired wife {Mary Sands, ex '49). pendence _.. wants to own a "scboonah" . "J believe I've found it!" 52
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